
Β Β School of Law and GovernmentΒ is one among the four departments of College of Social Sciences under the management of Norton University, which has high responsibility in developing best curriculum to contribute the help for our Royal Government in educating the people and developing the country.
Through attention from Royal Government and the management team of Norton University, School of Law and Government was opened for students in 1996 with modern curriculum paralleling to national and international standard especially ASEAN countries by dividing into several specific subjects: Legal and Justice Studies, International Relations & Diplomacy, Commercial Law, Government and Public Administration.Β
Β Β Β Despite this new curriculum, the management team of Norton University is trying to edit and reform it every year to assure that the education providing in the following year is still in high quality in order to improve the students' knowledge in law theory that is a course for assisting students when they complete Bachelor of Law. Additionally, it can make the students to become Law Expert, Judge, Prosecutor, Lecturer, Court Clerk, or Lawyer which works for justification, diplomacy, or public and private institutions.
Β Β Β Because of this purpose, the management team of Norton University pays key attention on Law fields by putting firm measures in leadership, management, and providing highly responsibility of education in order to make the students have broad and deep knowledge in law theory applying to real practicum on positive method via providing the judicial documents.
Β Β Β Through the experience of teaching, the university considers mainly on the quality toward building the challenge among the students. The university regularly offers students chance for discussion on some special topics in the class, monthly test, and assignment on all subjects. Meanwhile, the university organizes many seminars every year and invites many local and international guest speakers such as Japanese and Australian to increase the quality of students' understanding on national and international law application.
Β Β Β Regarding to the curriculum, the students will be lectured on national law system such as constitution law, administration law, labor law, bank law, tax law, company law, urbanization law, land law, legal law, common law, ASEAN law system, and national and international relation law. In addition, the students will be required to apply law system and analyze the real case study. Also, the students will analyze deeply on form of law research, law writing, and effective speaking.
Β Β Β Principally, the students will have adequate ability to compete with others in choosing career after graduating from Norton University in Bachelor of Law.
Β Β ααΆααΆβααΈαα·βααΆαααααβ αα·αβαααααΆαα·ααΆαββααΆβαααααβαα½αβααβαα αΆβαα·ααααΆβαααβαα·ααααΆβααΆβαααααβαααααβαααα·αβαα
βαααααβααΆαβααΉααααΆβ ααΉαβαααααβααααβααααβαααβαα·ααααΆβαααβααααα»αβ αααβααΆβααααβααΆαβααΆαα·βαα½αβαααααβαααβααΆαβααα½αβαα»αβααααΌαβαααααβαααα»αβααΆαβαααβα
αβααααβαα·ααΈβαα·ααααΆβα²ααβααβααΎαβααΆαβααα’βαααβααΎαβ ααΎααααΈβααΌαβα
αβαααβαα½αβααΆαβαααααΆαα·βααΆαβαααα»αβααΆαβααααα»αβαααααΆβαβααβααΆαβααα»αααβ ααΉαβααΆαβα’αα·ααααααβααααααβααΆαα·βααΈαβα
Β Β Β αα:β αααααβααααβααβααΆαβααα·ααααΆβαααβααααα»αβ ααΆααΆβααΈαα·βααΆαααααβ αα·αβαααααΆαα·ααΆαββααααΌαβααΆαβααΎαβααααΆαβααα½αβαα·αα·αααβα
αΆααβαααΆαβααΈβααααΆαβα‘α©α©α¦β αααβααΆαβαααβα
αβαααααα·ααΈβαα·ααααΆβααβααΎαβααααΈβαα½αβααααβααΆαβαααααβααΆβα’ααααβααΆαα·β αα·αβααΆαβαααααΌαβααΆαβααααβααααααβααΆαα·β αα·βααααβααααΆαβααααααβα’αΆαααΆαβαααβα
ααα½ααβ αα·ααααΆβα
αααΆααβ αα·αβαα»αααα·βαααβ, ααΈαα·ααΆαα·ααααααα,Β ααΈαα·βααααΆααβααααβα’ααααβααΆαα·β αα·αβααΆαβααΌαβ αα·ααααααΆαα·βααΆαβαβ
Β Β Β ααααΈβααΎβαααααα·ααΈβαα·ααααΆβααααΈβαααβαα
βααΆαβααααα·αβαα·ααααΆβααΆαβααααΈβ ααβαα:βαααααβααααβααβααΆααβαα·ααααΆβααααα»αβααΆαβαααα»αβααααβαα·α
ααααβααΉαβ αα·αβα
αααΆααβαααβααΆβααααΈβαα·αααβαα½αβ αα½αβαα·αα·αααβαα
ααβααΆαβαα·ααααΆβααααΆααβααα·ααααΆβααααβααΈβαα·ααΆαααααβ (Bachelor of Arts in Law) Β αα·αβαα½αβαα·αα·αααβα²ααβααααΆαβααΆβα’αααβα―αβαααβα
αααΆα βαα·αβααΆαβαααααβααΆαβαααααβααααβ α’αΆα
βααααΆαβααΆ βα
βαααα ααααβααΆαβα’αΆααααΆ βααΆααααααΆα
αΆαααβ αααα‘αΆαααααΈβ ααααΆααΈβ α¬β ααΆαβααΆααΈβ ααΆβααΎαβ αααα’αΆα
βαααα»αβαα·ααααα»ααααΆβαα·ααΆαβ ααΆαβααΌαβ α¬ βααααΉαβααααΆαβααΆααΆαα:β α¬ βα―ααα βααα αα
Β Β Β ααΆβαααβααΆαααβαααααβααΈβαα·αα·αααβααΆαβαααα
βααΆααΆβααΈαα·βααΆαααααβ αα·αβαααααΆαα·ααΆαββαα
βααΆααβαα·ααααΆαααβααααα»αβ αα·αα·αααβααΉαβααα½αβααΆαβααα·ααααΆβααααβααΈαα·ααΆαααααβ (Bachelor of Law)βΒ αααβααΆβαααααΈβααΆαβαααααΆααβααΌαβααααα·αβαα·αααβααΆαβαααααβα
αααΆααβα αΎαβ αααβα’αα»ααααΆαβα²ααβαα·αα·αααβααΆαβαααααααΆαβαααααβααααΆααβαααα»αβααΆαβα
βααΆβ ααΆααΆβααΌαα·αααβααααβααΆαβααΆαβααααα·αβαααΆβαα·ααααΆβααΈα:βαα»ααΆααΆαβ ααααβαααααβααααα»αβαααααΆαβαα·ααααΆβααΈα:β ααααΆααΈβα¬βα’αααααΆαβαααα
βαααααΆαα·βααΆαβααΆβααΎαβαααβα’αα·βααααααβ ααΏαβααΏαβ αα»αβααΏαβαα
Β Β Β ααΆααβαα·ααααΆαααβααααα»αβ ααΆβααααΉαβααααΆαβα’ααααβα―αααβααβαα½αβαααβαααβααΆαβαα»αβααΆα βαα·αβααΆαβα’αα·ααααβαααααβαααβαα·αααααβααΆααβ
Β Β Β ααΌαβαα·αα·αααβααααΆβααΆαβαααβααΌαααβα²ααβααΌαα βαα·αβααα½αβααΆαβαααβαααβαααα»αβααΆαβαα·ααααΆα