Cambodia will be integrated into the ASEAN in the near future. In order to compete with others, Cambodian students must have both ability in using English fluently and specific skills to dominate the regional workplaces.
To prepare our students for ASEAN integration, the college offers the following majors and minors.
- ααααΆαβααΆααΆα’ααααααααααααΆααααααΆαααααααα·αααΆαααΌα
English for International relations & diplomacy - ααααΆαααΆααΆα’ααααααααααααΆαααα»αααα·α
English for business affairs - βααααΆαααααααααααααααα’ααααα·ααααααα
English for Educational management & teaching
The College of Arts, Humanities, and Languages is comprised of highly qualified and experienced lecturers of different nationalities, who can surely give students the ability to use the language effectively.
Apart from learning in the classroom, students are exposed to different situations and activities such as:
- Writing and Speaking Competitions and Debate Clubs which offer a chance for students to compete with each other in order to be awarded the best writers and speakers of the year and students also gain confidence to efficiently write and bravely speak in English;
- Workshops and Seminars where students have chances to interact with foreign students (Australia, Japan, and Singapore) to exchange their learning experiences and improve their capacity of using English to communicate;
- Internship Programs and Practicum which offer students opportunities to gain hand on work experience that they cannot get in the classroom. Many employers prefer to hire graduates who have had internship at their companies because they have already seen the commendable behavior and work performance of the interns.
- Study Tours and Community ServicesΒ which allow students chances to put what they have learnt into real practice and opportunities to serve the community and to directly help some poor students; furthermore, students can learn more about life of the people with different standards of living.
English for International relations & diplomacy (B.A.Β EIRD)
This degree will equip students with the basic skills and specific knowledge fundamental to analyze the challenges and choices occurring in this world. It focuses on issues such as international security, international political economy, and political and economic development. It also explores how global, regional, and domestic factors influence relations between nations in the world diplomacy. In addition, the work of diplomats and the importance of diplomacy in the negotiations and interactions between nation status are also examine.
ααα·ααααΆαααα(B.A. EBA) αααααΉααααααα±αααα·αααα·αααΌαααααΆαααΌαααααΆαααααΉα αα·αα ααααααΉαααΆααααΆαα ααΎααααΈαα·ααΆαααΈαααα αΆααααα αα·ααααααΎαααΆα αααΎααααααΎαααΆαα‘αΎααα αααα»ααα·ααααααααα ααΆαααααααΎ αααααΆααΌα ααΆααααα·αα»αα’ααααααΆαα· ααααααα·α αα αααααΆαα’ααααααΆαα· αααααΆα αα·αααΆαα’αα·ααααααααααα·α αα α ααΆααααααα ααααααααα’αααΈαααααΆαα·ααααααααααΆαααα»αααααααα·ααααα»ααααα»ααααααΆαα₯αααα·ααααΎααααΆααΒαααααααΆααααααα ααΆααΆαααα»ααα·αααααΆαααΌααα·αααααα ααΎαααΈαααααΆαααΆαααααα’αααααΆαααΌααα·αααΆααααααΆααααααΆαααΌααααα»α ααΆαα αα αΆαα·αα’αααααααααααΆαααΆααααΆαα·ααααααΌααα·αα·ααααααααα
English for business affairs (B.A. EBA)
The B.A. EBA program at Norton University enables students to use English effectively within the business context and environment. They will learn how to write reports, prepare speeches, do presentations and undertake research. Students will also learn marketing skills, negotiation skills, analytical skills, business administration skills, and cross-cultural communication skills. In short students will gain the essential skills and techniques they will need to ensure that they can work effectively with colleagues and customers and be successful in an international business environment.
ααΆααΆα’ααααααααααααΆαααα»αααα·α αα
ααα·ααααΆααααααΆααΆα’ααααααααααααΆαααα»αααα·α αα (B.A.EBA) αα ααΆαααα·ααααΆαααααααα»α αα½αα’αααα·αααα·α α’αΆα ααααΎααααΆααααΆααΆα’ααααααα ααααααααααααα·αααααΆα αα αααα»αααα·ααααΆαα·ααααααα αα·αααααααααΆαααΆαα·αααααααα αα·ααααα·αααα·αααΉααααααΈαααααααααααΆαααΆααα αααα ααα»αααααααΆ ααααΎαααααα αΆα αα·αααααΎααΆαααααΆαααααΆαα αα·αααα·ααα ααΉααααααααΆαααΈααααΆα ααααΆαα αα αΆ ααααΆααα·ααΆα ααααΆαααααααΆαα’αΆααΈααααα αα·αααααΆαααααΆαααααα ααααΒαααβα ααα»αα αα½ααααα·αααα·αααΉαααα½αααΆα ααΌαααααΆα αα·ααα αα αααααααααΆαααααααα½ααα ααααΌαααΆαααΎααααΈ ααΆααΆααΆαα½αααα’αΆα ααααΎααΆαααΆα ααααααααααααα·αααααΆαααΆαα½ααα ααΆααΈ αα·αα’αα·αα·ααα αΎαααΉαααα½αααΆα αααααααα αααα»αα’αΆααΈαααααα’ααααααΆαα·α
English for Educational management & teaching (B.A.Β EMT)
BA EMT aims to provide students the real ability to deal with the study, evaluation, and use of different English language teaching approaches, techniques, and procedures. The actual classroom observation and practice teaching will aid the EMT students to discover for themselves the different factors that will contribute to effective language teaching and learning. Moreover, students will be equipped with the necessary tools to manage a school efficiently.
ααα·ααααΆααααααΆααααααααααααΆαα’αααα αα·αααααααααΆααΆα’ααααααα(B.A. EMT) ααΆααααααααααααα α±αααα·ααα ααΌααααααααΆααα·αααααΆααααΎααααΈαααααααΆααααΆαα½αααΆααα·ααααΆ ααΆαααΆαααααα αα·αααΆαααααΎααααΆαα αα·ααΈααΆααααααααααα αα·ααα·ααΆαααΆααΆα’αααααααααααααααααΆα ααΆααααααα αα·αααΆαα’αα»ααααααΆααααααααα αααα»α ααααΆααααα ααΉααα½ααα·αααEMTααΎααααΈααααΎααααααΆαααααααααα’αΆα αα½αα αααααααααΆααααααα αα·αααα ααΆααΆααααααααααααα·αααααΆαα ααΎαααΈαααααααα·αααα·α ααΉαααααΌαααα½αααΆα αα α§αααααα αΆαααΆα α ααΎααααΈ αααααααααααΆααΆαααααααααααααααα·αααααΆαα